Hello families!
We had our school-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) assembly on Wednesday where classes spent the morning rotating around campus learning about the behavior expectations while at school. Each student received a pair of star-shaped sunglasses because they are all shining stars! Staff around campus will be issuing Bucket Fillers to students as they are caught demonstrating kindness, integrity, and responsibility. The students place one part of the duplicate in the office and take the other one home to share with families. Each week, five Bucket Fillers are randomly drawn to recognize those students in our weekly Owl Hoot recognition. In addition, we have a Bucket Filler assembly every other month where more tickets are drawn and those students earn lunch with me!
Every month, we focus on one character trait. The students learn about the trait, and then at the Bucket Filler assembly, each teacher will recognize one student who has done an exceptional job demonstrating this trait. If your child is receiving this character trait award, you will be notified so that you can attend. The character trait this month is responsibility- doing the things you are expected to do and accepting the consequences (results) of your actions.
With the heat continuing through the weekend, visiting the library is a great way to escape the heat and find some new books to read! The city also has a cooling center. Please see below for more information.
Mrs. Rodriguez
Oakmont Outdoor School