I hope you are enjoying the final days of summer! We're excited to kick off the new school year at Oakmont Outdoor School with a burst of energy and enthusiasm. Please take a moment to read through the important updates and information in this newsletter.
Required Forms
Please login to Parent Connection and complete your Required Forms. Once you are logged in, you will see in the upper right corner a link in RED saying "Required Forms." Make sure they all say "Completed" before you log out.
Class Assignments
While you are logged into Parent Connection, be sure to check out your child's placement at 5:00 pm today!
Drop-Off (see map below)
On the first day of school, parents are welcome (but not required) to walk their child to class. To help make it a successful transition, talk to your child ahead of time and decide on a special good-bye routine. Having a predictable routine is reassuring and makes kids feel special. Read the attached article, "Start School with a Smile." Students who are eating breakfast may be dropped off at 7:55 each morning. When the 8:10 tardy bell rings, parents will need to exit campus so that school can begin.
As a reminder, class begins for all students at 8:10 am, and they will be marked tardy if they are not in their classrooms at that time.
Beginning on the second day through the rest of the year, students will be dropped off in front of the school and walk to class on their own. Teachers and classroom aides will be waiting for TK and Kindergarten students at both entrances to welcome them and help them get to their classrooms. Please note, that Tk and Kindergarten students will not walk to class alone. If they are tardy, they will need to wait in the office until a staff member is available to walk them down.
Dismissal Time and Pick-up
TK students will be picked up at the gate next to room 5 at 11:45 am each day. Kindergarten students will be picked up in the same area (room 5 gate) at their dismissal time. Kindergarten dismissal time is 11:45 am until 11/22/24 when dismissal time will be 1:00 pm.
1st-6th grade students will be picked up in front of the school. Parents walking up will wait by the marquee or to the east of the stairs near the corner of Green St and College Ave. (please refer to the drop-off/pick-up map). A teacher will be near those locations with a radio and can call for your student if you let them know. Let your student know where you will be waiting for them, and they can look for you, too! No parents will be allowed to wait on the sidewalk between the two sets of stairs.
Don't forget that the first day of school and all Wednesdays will be 1:00 pm dismissal.
Back to School Night: Monday, 8/26/24
As a reminder, Back to School Night will take place on August 26th from 5:00-6:00pm. Students are encouraged to come with their guardians so that they can visit their class, meet their teacher, and see their school friends again. PFA will be selling Oakmont merchandise.
Final chance! We are looking for a new PFA Secretary! Please fill out the form below if you are interested in joining the PFA and playing an integral part at Oakmont! Thank you for those of you who have sent in your interest. 24-25 PFA Secretary Interest Form
See you Monday evening!
Mrs. Rodriguez
Oakmont Outdoor School